Stainless Steel Surface Treatment

An electrochemical treatment of 316L stainless steel (316L-SS), consisting of three steps, is used as a surface treatment for structural steel (SC) to improve corrosion resistance, increase tensile strength and increase mechanical properties. A 316L stainless steel surface was electrodeposited (EP) with a special electrochemical composition at predetermined cell voltages in an electrolyte solution, to improve the corrosion resistance and enhanced biocompatibility of the stainless steel surface.

Why Use Surface Treatment

X-ray photoelectron microscopy (X-PEM) results showed that the EP-deposited stainless steel surface had higher atomic C/Fe ratios and lower film thickness than the naturally-developed surface, as well as substantially improved electrochemical stability. The surface treatment resulted in a more stable electrolyte and electrochemical condition, which reduced the risk of electrolysis reactions that can be a significant source of oxidation. The surface treatment method resulted in better mechanical properties and increased tensile strength, as compared to the untreated SC. This study is an example of a research program carried out to assess the use of electrochemical surface treatment techniques for structural steel.

During the surface treatment process, a pre-treatment is applied to prepare the steel surface for the electrochemical treatment, while keeping in mind that the purpose of the treatment is to provide an improved mechanical and structural properties, as opposed to simply reducing the surface area and increasing tensile strength. A secondary electrolyte, an ionic liquid is also added during the treatment to give the surface smooth, non-plastic texture, to reduce the effect of wear on the surface caused by use.

By treating the surface of structural steel, the surface layer has been deposited to improve mechanical properties. It may be a mixture of chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), molybdenum (Mo), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn), tin (Sn), or nickel (Ni), and other inert substances.

Other Benefits

Another advantage of using electrochemical metal surface treatment is that it can be used on alloys because these metals are not susceptible to rusting. and corrosion. Some other advantages include a better surface finish, increased strength, reduced surface distortion, and dimensional changes, and reduced shrinkage. {or, reduction in excess sheet steel weight. {which can lead to structural deformity. Another advantage is that electrochemical treatments are faster than mechanical treatments and less expensive than conventional methods such as grouting and sanding.

stainless steel surface treatment

Stainless steel surfaces with a high degree of moisture resistance, such as those used for industrial machining or welding, are especially susceptible to corrosion and require frequent maintenance. In these cases, frequent cleaning and treatment are essential to restore integrity and durability. Because stainless steel contains impurities of different types, including oils and grease, this requires the use of special electrochemical cleaners.

Popular Methods

A popular method of surface treatment on stainless steel is the use of ultraviolet (UV) treatment, which penetrates the surface of the metal using ultraviolet light to remove any debris, dust, stains and debris before the surface is subjected to another chemical treatment. This is a useful technique when repairing damage to the steel surface, although the effect of UV is short term and does not usually last more than two days. Other methods of surface treatment include epoxy coatings, which are self-healing and resist heat resistant and do not leave any permanent mark.

The use of stainless steel for surface treatment is a cost-effective and energy-saving method of preventing corrosion and other wear and tear to the metal. This can also provide excellent protection against chemicals such as acid rain, ozone, and other substances that cause corrosion. Electrochemical surface treatments are the most widely used method in the construction industry today, as they can provide both long term and short term corrosion prevention and are highly effective in maintaining and improving the overall surface of the stainless steel.

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